If you would like to see a short video of our Tulliallan Holiday Weekend 2024 please click this link. It is a joyous weekend, full of fun and fellowship. Enjoy.
Come along and join our Annual Celebration to be held at Brightons Parish Church on Saturday 26th October, 12 noon t0 4 pm. We are looking foward to celebrating together and welcoming and hearing Kate Forbes, our keynote speaker. Click here for further details.
Check out our Calendar of Events for Aug-Dec. If you are interested or know of anyone who would be interested in joining please contact for further details.
PAS have produced the following resources you may find helpful on adult baptism by immersion. They are free to download. A note about baptism by immersion for adult believers: Prospects Across Scotland works with many different denominations and are aware that churches have different theology and practices regarding baptism, such as infant baptism, or sprinkling of adults. We do not endorse one way over another. These resources have been produced to support those churches who practice immersion baptism of adult believer. We may be able to help you if you require different resources. Adult Baptism Guidance for church leaders All […]
Our Autism Conversations booklet is now available free to downloadAutism Conversations Booklet. We hope you find it useful.
We hope you enjoy listening to this song composed by the people who attend the ‘Hear my Music’ sessions on Zoom. It is sung by Melissa from Hear My Music.
A fantastic and encouraging weekend was had by all who attended PAS Tulliallan Holiday Weekend. ‘God’s Love is Great’ was the theme for this year and the blessing of His love was felt and seen throughout the weekend. Click here to enjoy some pictures of the various things that went on.
We hope you enjoy the story of Noah and The Ark with sounds.
Lots of of joy and laughter at the Celebration group in Aberdeen’s Tartan Tea. A fun day had by all as well as raising the amazing sum of £1000 for Prospects Across Scotland. Thank you Celebration group.
We are thankful to the Celebration group at Deeside who hosted a Tartan Tea to raise funds for Prospect Across Scotland. They raised an amazing sum of £1000. Do get in touch if you or your group feel you could host a Tartan Tea to help support and develop the work of Prospects.