Missions week with MAF

Members of the Celebration group had a great time at their recent Missions week. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) came along with a flight simulator and they were able to ‘fly’ and ‘crash’ the plane and experience what it was like to sit in the cramped cockpit. Click here link to learn more about MAF and the amazing work they do.

Celebration group’s garden at Deeside

Ivy was speaking at Deeside Christian Fellowship and then joined the Celebration group as they worked in the church garden. Great to see the group contributing to the church in this way so that everyone can enjoy the garden.

JAM Tartan Tea

The JAM group at Erskine held a Tartan Tea to raise funds for Prospects Across Scotland. They had a wonderful time and raised the grand total of £450, which is much appreciated.

Tulliallan Holiday Weekend 2023

Typewriter with the word Update typed on the paper

A wonderful time was had by all at our Prospects Across Scotland Holiday Weekend at Tulliallan. Here is a short video which gives you a taste of all that went on.

Celebrating Pentecost with JAM group

Ivy joined the JAM group as the group led the Sunday morning service at Inchinnan church. Everyone had a great time (and cake!!) as we enjoyed a party to celebrate Pentecost. Thank you to the congregation at Inchinnan for their warm welcome and generous donations towards the work of PAS. Well done to everyone in JAM.

Seeking new Trustees

Prospects Across Scotland is looking for new Trustees with the enthusiasm, creativity, and commitment to join our Board of Trustees. If you would like to make a difference, then we would like to hear from you. The role description and application form can be downloaded.

Tulliallan Holiday Weekend

Typewriter with the word Update typed on the paper

Another great Holiday Weekend at Tulliallan was enjoyed by many from Prospects groups all across Scotland. It was a time of great fellowship, prayer, praise, fun, laughter and so much more.  The sun even shone so everyone could enjoy the stunning grounds. See a selection of pictures from the weekend here. Tulliallan Holiday Weekend 2023

Tartan Tea Event – Brightons Friends of Jesus Group

A successful Tartan Tea event was hosted by Friends of Jesus Group, Brightons.  It was well supported and everyone had an enjoyable morning.  The amazing sum of £1050 was raised for Prospects Across Scotland to go towards their fundraising target of ‘£20k for 2023’. Click here to see some pictures of the day. The amount of money raised so far this year is £6067.20 and Prospects is extremely grateful to all who have contributed to that sum.  If you or your group would like to host a Tartan Tea and would like more details, please get in contact with Ivy […]

Brightons Friends of Jesus Group’s Visitors Night

Brightons Friends of Jesus Group held their Visitors Night on 4th May.  The theme of the evening was the parable of the wise and foolish builders. They told the story through drama, games, songs, a talk and craft. They were encouraged by their many visitors and the visitors felt blessed and encouraged by being part of the group for the evening.  Everyone took home their craft of a decorated rock as a reminder that Jesus is their rock and foundation in life. Click here to see photographs of the evening.

Autism Drop-In with Prospects Across Scotland

Monday March 13th: Autism Drop-In with Prospects Across Scotland on Zoom If you would like to attend this training session or would like further details please contact Hilary on hilary.lacroix@prospectsacrossscotland.org.uk