The JAM group held a special prayer session. They have shared below what they prayed for and some pictures of their meeting.
“At our February meeting we thanked God that He listens to us when we talk to Him in prayer, and we said thankyou for things of all the colours of the rainbow.
With the help of a parachute we said thank you to God for friends and family, sunshine and music. We also saidsorry for any wrong things we have done.
We chose some things that sometimes worry us and asked God to give us peace any time we are anxious or upset.
We prayed for other Prospects groups like ours in Scotland, for example in Kilwinning and in Dingwall. Some of them came to worship with us when we did the Nativity Play in Inchinnan church.
We made a craft of the fingers of a hand to help us remember some things we can pray for. And then we had a snack and a chat.”