• Prospects Across Scotland
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Fundraising Idea

A simple idea if you would like to help fundraise for the work of PAS.

Fundraising idea – Smartie tubes

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Glasgow and surrounding areas (all week)

• Pray for the young people and helpers at the Friendship Club at Kirkintilloch to know God loves each and every one of them
• Give thanks for the love and joyful fellowship that surrounds all at the Following Jesus group when they meet with each other
• Pray for God’s help and guidance in the continuing development and use of our website and Facebook page

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Give as you Live

A reminder of a simple way you can help to raise money for Prospects Across Scotland .

Give As You Live
With no cost to you , you can sign up for free by clicking this link  https://www.giveasyoulive.com .  Please remember to type in full Prospects Across Scotland to link to our charity.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Highlands area, Orkney and Shetland (all week)

• Pray many will attend and be blessed at the PAS Annual Celebration on the 28th October at Culduthel Christian Centre, Inverness
• Pray for the Inverness group as they prepare to host the annual celebration and lead the worship
• Pray for Hilary as she presents our work at the student-staff chapel at Highland Theological College in Dingwall on October 24th
• Pray for the joy and friendship within the Lerwick Friends of Jesus group when they meet together
• Give thanks for the returned attendance of residents of a local care home to the Dingwall group and pray for more volunteer helpers

  • Prospects Across Scotland
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Birthday Fundraising Concert

We are thankful to Lindsay Cant from All Friends Together group in Kinross who hosted a fundraising concert to celebrate her special birthday.  Lindsay shared the money raised between two charities she supports and an amazing sum of £1142.67 was donated to Prospects Across Scotland.  Well done Lindsay.

Collage of pics Lindsay concert

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Renfrew, Dumbarton and Lanarkshire areas (all week)

• Pray for the Aspire group to continue to grow and flourish as they seek to learn more about Jesus
• Give thanks for the drive and enthusiasm in the JAM group to proclaim Jesus’ love to all

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Praise Pals Tartan Tea

Praise pals hosted a second Tartan Tea to raise funds to support the work of Prospects.  They raised an amazing £615 and it was enjoyed by all who came along. Click here to see some pictures of the event. Praise Pals Tartan Tea collage

It you feel you could raise much needed funds for Prospects by hosting a Tartan Tea, big or small please do get in /contact.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Dundee, Perth and Kinross areas (all week)

• Please pray for a dear member of All Friends Together group who has just lost his mum and ask God’s guidance for his future
• Remember the PAS AGM on 9th October and pray God’s will is done in all that is discussed and decisions made
• Continue to pray for God’s leading and guiding for a new group in the Dundee area

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Testimonies and Stories

Michael’s story

Michael Wilkie, WoW, Kennoway

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Testimonies and Stories

Lori’s Story

Lori, Precious Gems