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Christmas Cards

We are pleased to announce that our Christmas cards have been a sell out.  Grateful thanks to all who bought them to help support the work of PAS.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Carol Concert for all 2023

Our annual Carol Concert was held this year at Castlehill Church in Ayr.  It was a joyful and successful day. Grateful thanks to Praise Pals, Kilwinning and Shining Stars, Ayr groups for hosting this year and the congregation of Castlehill Church who were so kind and welcoming.

If you would like to see some pictures of the day click here – Carol concert for all 2023 collage

A recording of the concert can be found on our youtube page or follow this link. https://youtu.be/Fu3VQ-LiSHg?si=aq2ie3wcREg95STw



  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Scottish Borders area (all week)

• Thank the Lord for the time Precious Gems group spend together and pray for others to join them as they learn together
• Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance about a possible new group covering Dumfries area
• Pray for the SHARE group as God leads and guides them as they reach out to people with learning disabilities in their community

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Argyll, South West Scotland (all week)

• Pray for the preparations for the PAS Carol Concert on 2nd December at Castlehill Church, Ayr and a blessing on all as the birth of our Lord and Saviour is celebrated
• Pray for Shining Stars group that their regulars continue to faithfully attend and that they would bring along their friends to hear the Good News of Jesus
• Give thanks for the teamwork involved in the Tartan Tea event at Praise Pals, Kilwinning. Fundraising allows skills to be increased and fun to be had together.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Events

Date for your diary – Autism Drop-in

Our next Autism Drop-in ‘An Autistic Christmas’ will be on Monday 11th December 7-8 pm on Zoom.  If you would like to attend, please email hilary.lacroix@propsectsacrossscotland.org.uk.

Silly hats, jumpers, festive attire, mince pies and hot chocolate are entirely optional, but very welcome!

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

All Friends Together Visit

Ivy Blair had a very enjoyable visit to the All Friends Together group in Kinross.  They had made a  lovely craft which would be good for Christmas but could  also be used for other occasions.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Fife area (all week)

• Pray a blessing on the Tartan Tea event on 25 November being hosted by the WoW group in Kennoway to raise funds for PAS and their group
• Pray for God’s comfort and strength for members of the WoW group in Kennoway who have been affected by bereavement
• Pray that the Burntisland group will grow in faith and fellowship as they learn together about God’s love
• Pray that God’s blessing and love is poured out on the Dunfermline group as they meet together

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Funding, Trustees, Staff and Volunteers (all week)

• Pray for all funding efforts and applications made, that they will be fruitful and bring blessing to the work of PAS
• Give grateful thanks to God for the people who have cheerfully responded to calls for donations – God loves a cheerful giver
• Give thanks that God has raised up two new Trustees to serve on the board of PAS and pray on for others to join them
• Pray for staff and volunteers as they speak in groups and churches to inform others of the work of PAS

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Annual Celebration 2023 Inverness


A wonderful day was enjoyed by day at the Prospects Across Scotland Annual Celebration held in Inverness this year.

Join this joyful celebration by watching the video and some clips of the day below.


  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Edinburgh area (all week)

• Remember Hilary in prayer as she leads workshops at a Guild resources conference in Edinburgh on November 7th
• Give thanks for a successful summer social at Central Edinburgh group and pray for new volunteers to respond to the need for support at their growing Sunday afternoon meetings
• Pray for our safeguarding policies as we strive to keep vulnerable adults safe from harm