• Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Exciting new Zoom activities

We are introducing exciting new Zoom events for people with learning disabilities as well as continuing the present favourites.  Click here to see the calendar of activities and contact details if you would like more information on any of the groups.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Easter for All Service

Prospects Across Scotland will be holding an Easter for All Service at Breich Valley Church on Saturday 23rd March at 2pm.  Further details can be found here.

You are warmly invited to join us.


  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Friends of Jesus Group, Brightons

A joyful start to the session at Friends of Jesus Group, Brightons. They had an wonderful evening having a sing-along with the church choir then a cuppa and chat afterwards which was greatly enjoyed by all.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Edinburgh area (all week)

• Pray on for new volunteers for the Central Edinburgh group and give thanks their monthly meetings are flourishing
• Pray that Jesus leads us in new and exciting ways to minister to adults with learning disabilities
• Ask God to bless Roger as he advises us on funding applications
• Pray for Autism in the Family online training on January 31st

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Zoom Drama Sessions

We are delighted to offer Zoom sessions of drama to people with learning disabilities.  There will be 10 sessions and Suzanne Lofthus of Cutting Edge Theatre will be leading the group.   There will be warmups, vocal exercises, storytelling and improvisation with Bible stories and characters.  It should be great fun.

They will run on Tuesday afternoons, 2-4 pm on February 27th, March 19th, April 16th, May 21st and June 18th.

If you or someone you know would like to come along, please email hilary.lacroix@prospectsacrossscotland.org.uk 

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

20K more in 2024

A new year is always exciting – full of possibilities and opportunities. In Prospects Across Scotland we thank God for his blessings on our charity since it was set up 6 years ago and trust him for the future although we know it is a challenging time for charities.

Last year, together, we smashed our £20k fundraising target – the final total was £20,643.89 – thank you.

Now we’re launching our new fundraising campaign £20k more in 2024 so that more people with learning disabilities and autism can develop their faith and build friendships in church communities – a place to belong and where each one has gifts and skills to contribute.

We also aim to start a fundraising group – if you feel this is something you could help with please get in touch.

We made a short film – it’s good to hear from people from groups around Scotland.

Money raised will be used to
– run more roadshows and information events around Scotland
– run more training for churches,
– keep our Zoom Bible Buddies, Prospects Choir and Precious Gems groups going.
– produce more resources – things easy to read Bible reading notes.

Our next big event is a new one to Prospects Across Scotland – an Easter Service for All to be held in West Lothian on Saturday 23rd March. You are very welcome to enjoy our accessible Easter celebration – keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for more details.

You are invited to enable the work to continue and develop in 2024 so that more people with learning disabilities and autism will be able to hear the wonderful Gospel message.

You can give to Prospects Across Scotland
By monthly standing order
Giving a one off gift
Organising a Tartan Tea or some other fundraising event
Leaving a gift in your will.
If you shop online can I ask you to consider shopping through Give As You Live
https://www.giveasyoulive.com . Click on the link to sign up for free. Please remember to type Prospects Across Scotland in full to link to our charity.
You can give on our websitewww.prospectsacrossscotland.org.uk image.png
or send a cheque (payable to Prospects Across Scotland) to 16 Isaac Mackie House, Bank Street, Elie KY9 1BL

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Renfrew, Dumbarton and Lanarkshire areas (all week)

• Give thanks for the JAM group and the support and care they experience as they meet together in fellowship
• Pray for the Aspire group to continue to grow and flourish as they seek to learn more about Jesus
• Pray for our safeguarding policies as we strive to keep vulnerable adults safe from harm
• Pray for Graeme McDonald as he continues to lead the Prospects Choir

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Trustees

Stuart Collins

Stuart Collins (Acting Treasurer) is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

A New Year, a New Target

Last year, all of us working together, raised £20,643.89 – from individuals and groups supporting our work financially and we will continue to apply for Trust funding to add to that.
So that we can reach more people with learning disabilities and work with more churches we are launching our 2024 fundraising campaign £20k more in 2024. So if you feel you can, could you organise a Tartan tea this year or contribute in some other way. Please contact us.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Forth Valley area (all week)

• Pray for Ivy as she prepares to speak about PAS at Brightons church on 21st January
• Pray that the Lifeway group in Stirling know God’s blessing on them each and every day wherever they are,    whatever they are doing
• Pray for the health of helpers at Friends of Jesus group in Brightons and give thanks for new friends coming along
• Ask God to guide the Trustees at the Board meeting on 17th January