• Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Tulliallan Holiday weekend 17th-19th May (all week)

• Give thanks for the joy shared at the weekend as groups meet from all over Scotland to learn about Jesus and develop relationships with each other
• Pray for Hilary, Ivy and the team as they make the final preparations for the weekend
• Pray for safe travels and safety throughout the weekend

  • Prospects Across Scotland
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Celebration group Tartan Tea

We are thankful to the Celebration group at Deeside who hosted a Tartan Tea to raise funds for Prospect Across Scotland.  They raised an amazing sum of £1000.

Do get in touch if you or your group feel you could host a Tartan Tea to help support and develop the work of Prospects.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Friends of Jesus group 16th birthday party

Friends of Jesus group, Brightons celebrated 16 years together with a party at their last meeting.  The theme was Psalm 119, verse 103 “Your words are very sweet to my taste! They are sweeter than honey to me.” The real celebration being the joy of knowing Jesus.

It was a joyous evening where they were joined by past helpers and others who support the group.   There was a journey through the past 16 years, games, songs, prayers and lots of food and cake.

Click here to see some pictures of the celebration.


  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Argyll, Western Isles and South West Scotland (all week)

• Pray that the new group leaflet, being delivered by the Mission Team, for Praise Pals, Kilwinning will lead to new members
• Pray that the Shining Stars group gets known throughout their community and others are encouraged to join them and know fellowship with them through Christ
• Pray for Hilary as she delivers training sessions at Stornoway Free Church on 10th and 11th May, that they are well received and relationships formed

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Scottish Borders, Dumfries and Galloway areas (all week)

• Give thanks to the Lord for Precious Gems group on Zoom and pray for more people to go along and learn about Jesus
• Ask God’s blessing on all at the SHARE group as they learn about Jesus and shine their light for Him
• Pray for God’s guidance that it is in His will that a new group be formed in Dumfries

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Highlands area, Orkney and Shetland (all week)

• Give thanks for the Lerwick Friends of Jesus group as they faithfully meet and study the bible together
• Pray for the Dingwall group to faithfully follow the path of peace and purpose God has laid out for them
• Give praise and thanks for the amazing power of God and the work he does in the Inverness group as they meet together in His name

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Forth Valley area (all week)

• Give thanks for new helpers volunteering at Friends of Jesus group in Brightons and pray PVG’s will go through quickly and smoothly
• Pray that the Lifeway group in Stirling continue to be a blessing to the community around them
• Ask God to guide us in building relationships with more churches throughout Scotland

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Fife area (all week)

• Thank God for the blessings to the Burntisland group of 3 new friends joining them recently, an enjoyable film morning in January watching Luca, and helping them pray for PAS in February.
• Pray that the WoW Group in Kennoway would be strengthened in their faith and feel comforted by God’s presence with them
• Ask God to bless the Dunfermline group with the peace of knowing He is always in control and knows their every need

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Fife area (all week)

• Give thanks for all the fun and fellowship the Burntisland group have as they learn more together about God’s love and His Kingdom
• Pray that God would nourish and bring peace to all at the WoW group in Kennoway
• Pray that all at the Dunfermline group know they are loved beyond measure by Jesus

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Easter for All Service

A wonderful afternoon learning about Jesus and how great is His love for us was had at the Easter for All Celebration on Saturday 23rd March, hosted by our Breich Valley Friends of Jesus group.

The pictures and quotes from attendees tell the story so much more than words can.  Click here for pictures and for quotes from the day.

Look out on our PAS youtube channel for the recording of the service which we hope will be available soon.