• Prospects Across Scotland
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Advent Carol Concert 2022

A joyous afternoon of worship and fellowship was had at PAS Advent Carol Concert 2022 which was held at Westwoodhill Evangelical Church, East Kilbride.  If you were unable to join us you can now enjoy the recording which is on our youtube channel.

Advent Carol Concert 2022
Advent Carol Concert 2022

Some photos of the day:

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Renfrew, Dumbarton and Lanarkshire areas (all week)

  • Pray that the PAS Advent Carol Concert at East Kilbride on Sunday, 27th November will be a blessing to many and touch those who don’t yet know Jesus as their Saviour
  • Pray for Aspire group as they seek God’s will as they begin to meet again
  • Pray a blessing of encouragement on the JAM group as they continue to witness faithfully
  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Highlands area, Orkney and Shetland (all week)

Pray for God to lead, guide and keep everyone safe at the Lerwick Friends of Jesus group over the winter months
Pray for all at the Inverness group that they know the joy of being loved by Christ as they worship and praise Him together
Pray that the Holy Spirit will direct the Dingwall group to people who would be willing to join as volunteers
Pray we can hold on to hope, and trust in faith that Jesus is with us always

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Edinburgh area (all week)

Pray that the new staff member will quickly settle into the PAS staff team
Pray for all at Central Edinburgh group that their witness reaches out to those around them
Pray for God’s guiding of the Connect Plus group and especially upholding for the new leader taking over this session

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Glasgow and surrounding areas (all week)

Ask God to bless the Following Jesus group abundantly as they learn more about Jesus and how to live for Him
Give thanks for the Friendship Club at Kirkintilloch and for their relationships to grow with each other and Jesus
Pray that Jesus leads us in new and exciting ways to minister to adults with learning disabilities
Pray for God’s guidance for the Trustees as they look to future ways of growing and developing PAS

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Recording of Annual Celebration

If you missed the Annual Celebration or would like to relive the joy of the afternoon, please use this link to view the recording on YouTube https://youtu.be/R0drB_4h-ho

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Celebration group – Harvest Thanksgiving

This photo shows part of the Celebration Group’s Harvest Thanksgiving display at Deeside. The group pressed the leaves, threaded leaves and decorated with them. Looks amazing.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Advent Carol Concert

The next exciting Prospects Across Scotland event will be our Advent Carol Concert held on Sunday 27th November at Westwoodhill Evangelical Church, East Kilbride.  Click here for full details.

We hope you can join us.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Dingwall Prospects opening meeting

Dingwall Prospects had their first meeting of the session.  Click here to see the fun they had playing Bible bingo and snap and having lots to eat.  The teaching was on us all being part of the royal family when we trust God we are part of his family because he is king

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Autumn Zoom meetings

Many of our Zoom meetings are resuming for Autumn.  See details below.  If you are not already on the contact list for a group and you would like to attend, please contact Ivy for futher details and/or to be added as an attendee.

  • 2 Bible Buddies groups meeting fortnightly on a Monday and there are spaces in the afternoon group. This session we are looking at the life of Abraham.
  • Precious Gems, the Zoom Prospects Groups starts on 13th October at 1.30pm and then the second Thursday of each month.
  • Prospects Choir meets monthly on a Tuesday evening at 7 with Graeme McDonald and the first meeting is on Tuesday 18th October.
  • Coffee Morning on Wednesday 26th October at 11 o’clock
  • Prospects Prayer time on Thursday 27th October at 7 o’clock.