• Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Renfrew, Dumbarton and Lanarkshire areas (all week)

Give thanks for the small but enthusiastic JAM group as they enjoy worshipping and fellowship together
Give grateful thanks for the Aspire group and the strong bonds of love and care they have for each other

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Scottish Borders area (all week)

Pray all in the SHARE group feel protected and blessed by knowing Jesus
Pray that Precious Gems group on Zoom would flourish, growing in numbers and faith
Pray for our safeguarding policies as we strive to keep vulnerable adults safe from harm

  • Prospects Across Scotland
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Drummond School Transition Fair

Hilary Lacroix, Mission Development Coordinator, assisted by Ionutsa and Irene, attended the Transition Fair at Drummond School, Inverness.  There was a lot of interest from people there wanting to know more about Prospects Across Scotland. They had a great time telling them who we are and what we do. Click below to see more pictures.


  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Prospects Across Scotland (all week)

Pray for the new Mission Development Coordinator as they join the staff team
Give thanks for the work of the Trustees and pray for new ones to join the board
Ask for God’s blessing on our fundraising campaign, essential for the work of PAS to continue
Pray our new website helps promote and inform the work of PAS to others, especially the need for churches to welcome people with learning disabilities

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Donation for 20k Fundraiser

Friends of Jesus Group at Brightons kindly donated their ‘jar collection’ of £100 from last session to the PAS 20k Fundraiser. This was much appreciated and a really simple way of helping the work of Prospects.  When the group meets they have a jar where they collect any loose change people have to give and it quickly mounts up.

If you are part of a group you may wish to consider whether this is something you could do to help support Prospects.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Fife area (all week)

Ask God to guide the Trustees at the Board Meeting on 30th January
Pray that all in the Burntisland group will grow in faith and have fun together as they learn more about Jesus
Pray God’s blessing on the WOW Group in Kennoway and give thanks for their faithful witness to others
Pray that the Dunfermline group members can continue to be part of their Christian community encouraging friendships in Christ

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Fundraising Campaign

We are excited to officially launch out ’20k for 2023′ Fundraising campaign to expand our team and activities.

Prospects Across Scotland is growing and we want to reach more people with learning disabilities and autism and support more churches to welcome and disciple them in a relevant way. Then our friends with learning disabilities will have the opportunity to develop their faith and our churches will be enriched as we build friendships with each other and together learn more about our best friend – Jesus.

Could you help us to reach that £20k fundraising target – to continue and develop our work? We know that at this time money is tight but we want to offer you the opportunity to be part of this work.  Every little helps and we are grateful for donations large and small.

You may want to do a fundraising event of your own but you can also donate online at https://www.stewardship.org.uk/partners/20350300.

Thank you.



  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Aberdeen and Moray area (all week)

Pray for the Lighthouse group in Buckie as they continue to shine the light of Jesus in their community
Continue to pray for Footprints in Buckie that they would receive the help they need to run the group
Pray for the joy and happiness of the Celebration group in Deeside as they learn more of Jesus’ love for them

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Glasgow and surrounding areas (all week)

Pray for the ‘Let’s talk about Autism’ monthly drop in session on 16th January and for the developing work in that area
Pray for the Following Jesus group that God continues to bless them as they grow in their love for each other and Jesus
Pray and give thanks for the continued faithfulness of all at the Friendship Club at Kirkintilloch

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News


Hilary Lacroix is employed as Mission Development Coordinator