• Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Highlands area, Orkney and Shetland (all week)

•Give thanks for the Lerwick Friends of Jesus group
and their love for Jesus and desire to learn more about Him
•Thank God for the camaraderie among all at the Dingwall group and may God’s Spirit bring them all closer to Him through Jesus
•Pray a blessing on the Inverness group as they move forward and rely on God’s strength and wisdom to guide them

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Forth Valley area (all week)

•Give thanks for the Lifeway Group, Stirling and pray they continue to reach out and bless others around them
•Pray for the health of members and helpers at the Friends of Jesus group in Brightons and give thanks for the joy of fellowship they share
•Thanks for bringing new people to some groups and pray they feel welcomed and blessed

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Lothians area (all week)

•Pray for the Breich Valley Friends of Jesus group and give thanks for the joy and hope knowing Jesus brings to their lives
•Pray that God will show us how to use technology effectively for his glory
•Pray that we continue to develop effective ways of communicating with our supporters

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Get organised early for Christmas

Our Christmas Cards for 2023 are now available to buy. They come in packs of 10 including envelopes and cost £4.50 per pack plus postage.
The design is by one of our group members and they are printed on good quality card.
If you would like to purchase them, please contact Jennifer at admin@prospectsacrossscotland.org.uk
giving your name, address for delivery and how many packs you would like.
All monies raised from the sale of the cards helps support the work of Prospects Across Scotland.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Half way there

Great news that we have gone over the £10,000 half way mark in our £20k for 2023 fundraising target.  We are so grateful to everyone who has made this possible.  Every donation, big or small, counts towards raising enough money to support the continuing work of Prospects Across Scotland.

If you would like to know more about how you can help, please email info@prospectsacrossscotland.org.uk

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Scottish Borders area (all week)

•Give thanks for the SHARE group and pray for continued blessing on the leaders and helpers as they share God’s Word with the group
•Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance about a possible new group covering Dumfries area
•Pray for Precious Gems group on Zoom to grow together and to help them invite new local people to have fellowship with them

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Invite from JAM group

Ivy joined with the JAM (Jesus and Me) group as they led the morning service at Erskine Parish Church. Their theme was Celebration and everyone is invited.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Recruitment of Trustees and Funding for PAS (all week)

•Pray God opens the hearts and minds of the right people to volunteer as Trustees
•Ask God’s rich blessing on all those who donate regularly to develop and sustain the work of PAS and pray more would feel moved to do so
•Give thanks for the many fundraising events that have taken place and pray that many more people will feel inspired to run an event
•Ask for God’s guidance as we look for more funding

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Renfrew, Dumbarton and Lanarkshire areas (all week)

•Pray for the JAM group as they prepare to lead the service in Erskine Church on 23rd July
•Pray that the love and joy in the Aspire group shines the light of Jesus into the lives of all that know them
•Ask God to guide us in building relationships with more churches throughout Scotland

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Missions week with MAF

Members of the Celebration group had a great time at their recent Missions week. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) came along with a flight simulator and they were able to ‘fly’ and ‘crash’ the plane and experience what it was like to sit in the cramped cockpit.

Click here link to learn more about MAF and the amazing work they do.