• Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Aberdeen and Moray area (all week)

• Pray for Footprints in Buckie as they serve their community in Christ’s love and strength
• Give thanks for the summer series on gardens in the bible that the Celebration group in Deeside looked at and for the garden they are making with other members of their church, filled with wonderful plants from God
• Ask for God’s blessing on the Lighthouse group in Buckie, that they continue to grow in God’s love as they meet together

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Harvest (all week)

• Pray that the harvests of the world could be divided more equally
• Pray that people continue to give generously to local foodbanks to help those in need
• Give thanks to God for all the good things he gives to us

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Dundee, Perth and Kinross areas (all week)

• Give thanks for the new members at All Friends Together group and pray for improved communication
• Continue to pray for God’s leading and guiding for a new group in the Dundee area
• Pray for more people to join our Zoom activities

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Argyll, South West Scotland (all week)

•Give praise to God for the baptism of a Shining Stars group member pray that more male helpers will be called to the group
•Pray for some of the group members at Praise Pals, Kilwinning who are moving to another church. Grant the newly formed congregation God’s love, peace and unity

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Happy 10th Birthday Footprints group

The Footprints group in Buckie had a brilliant day bowling followed by a meal to celebrate

their 10th birthday.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Exciting Zoom events coming up


Prospects Choir is back! The Choir meets on Zoom on Tuesday, 12th September at 7 pm.   

New friends are always welcome.  If you would like more information contact Ivy.


Precious Gems, our online Prospects Group, starts back on Thursday, 14th September at 1:30 pm.  

The group will be continuing to look at the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ and the first session will be ‘Faithfulness’.

If you would like to join them contact Ivy for the Zoom link and any further information.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Glasgow and surrounding areas (all week)

•Pray that the Following Jesus group know God’s love and light surrounding and enfolding them
•Pray for the Friendship Club at Kirkintilloch that they feel the presence of God watching over them and protecting them
•Give thanks for the blessing of being ‘with family’ when groups
meet together

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Fundraising Ceilidh for Prospects Across Scotland

Get your dancing shoes on – Square Wholes are kindly holding a ceilidh to fundraise for Prospects Across Scotland.
It will be held in Central Church, Edinburgh on Saturday 7th October from 7-10 pm. Further details on the poster.

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • Prayer Diary

Pray for Fife area (all week)

•Pray for God’s guidance for the Burntisland group in planning for the new session from September and that he brings the right people to join them as helpers
•Give thanks for the support for WOW Group in Kennoway from their church family and pray the church in turn feel blessed by the group
•Give thanks for the Dunfermline group and ask a continued blessing on them and upholding for all leaders and helpers

  • Prospects Across Scotland
  • News

Precious Gems group on Zoom

Precious Gems is our group for adults with learning disabilities to meet on Zoom and learn more about Jesus. Click here to hear what happens in the group and what they have to say about it.