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About Us

Prospects works with churches all over Scotland. Some churches try to make changes to their regular services to make them more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Other churches run a group aimed at bringing a Bible message to people with learning disabilities in an understandable way.

Who’s Who in PAS 2024

Our Trustees

The Trustees meet regularly and have the legal responsibility for looking after the charity and its work.

Malcolm Kinnear is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Heather Haywood is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Stuart Collins (Acting Treasurer) is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Helen Eckford is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Alan Macfarlane is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Linda Sharp (Chairperson) is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Sheila MacLeod Trustee

Sheila MacLeod is a trustee of Prospects Across Scotland

Our Volunteers

Prospects Across Scotland would like to thank the many volunteers who give generously of their time and talents to support this work. If you would like to know a little more about each of us please click on the video link below:

What we can do for you

Our Staff

Hilary Lacroix is employed as Mission Development Coordinator

Jennifer Maden

Jennifer Maden is part-time Administrative Assistant

Ivy Blair

Ivy Blair is employed as Management Coordinator

Prospects Across Scotland – our statement of faith
We believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus, God’s Son, came to live as one of us. He showed us and taught us to love God and to love everyone. He knows this is the best way for us to be.
Jesus died and rose again to save us. This was to bring us and all creation back into a relationship of love and harmony with Himself.
We believe that the Bible shows us how God speaks and works through history, in nations and individuals. In its pages we see how He is working in the world and its people to bring in His Kingdom where He will reign over all in peace and justice.
Equally the Bible speaks to us today, teaching us and inspiring us to follow and worship Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that every person, regardless of ability, colour, race, creed or gender, is created in God’s image, and that God is a God of love. We follow the example of Jesus, the Son of God, whose ministry is for all people. We encourage churches to welcome all people, including those with learning disabilities, seen and unseen, and their carers. We desire to see them develop a relationship with Jesus and become fully involved in church life.