Greetings from Prospects Across Scotland!
We wanted to let you know of some upcoming online training sessions – perhaps what you might need be needing as you look at the year ahead? We would be grateful if you could share these dates with anyone who might benefit.
We have two dates for our popular ‘Autism in the Church Family’. This training comes out of real-life experience and will help you to understand autism, particularly in the context of church and faith. Come along if you are a parent, a friend, family member, church leader or member. They are identical sessions, so just choose the date which suits you best. This costs £15 for a two-hour session and includes follow-up resources and training notes. There will be a short break and an opportunity to ask questions. The link will take you to Eventbrite for booking:
Monday 24th February 7-9pm:
Monday 17th March 7-9pm:
We also have two dates for ‘Building Communities of Hope – Worship for All’. In this session we will learn about learning disabilities and what the Bible has to say, we will cover many practical issues and share ideas which could be incorporated into worship on a Sunday or used to hold fully inclusive services or celebrations. We have many years of experience of this in Prospects and look forward to sharing this unique and beautiful way of worshipping together.
Worship for All really is that! When we open up worship for people with learning disabilities, many others benefit too – children, new Christians, those who find traditional services difficult due to a variety of health issues or life stages – as one church leader said recently ‘That was the best service we’ve had in ages!’
Again, these are identical sessions. This session costs £12 but if you have booked onto ‘Autism in the Church Family’ you will be able to attend for just £5. Links to Eventbrite:
Monday 3rd March 7-9pm:
Monday March 24th 7-9pm:
We don’t want cost to be barrier so if anyone needs a 50% discount they should email me with the date of the course they wish to attend. No questions asked!
Finally, although these are online courses, we are always happy to come and offer in-person training to suit your church context, as well as to give talks, midweek or on Sundays. Please do get in touch and we would delighted to chat through what might suit you best.
Please read our brochure which will tell you more about us. PAS brochure
In Jesus
Hilary Lacroix, Mission Development Coordinator